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Tonia Davenport

This resonates perfectly with my being right now. Thanks for sharing. xo

Jennifer White

I love the direction you're going, Katie...and I'm printing that quote out and displaying it in multiple places around my house. I, too, have noticed many choosing one word to focus on for the year. I've picked mine and will hopefully be blogging about it yet tonight.

Your journal pages...loving the walnut ink/dye.


Beautiful journal pages! Happy New Year!


so beautiful...wow. amazing!

judy Wise

Breathtaking pages Katie; makes we want to dive for the transparent inks. And what if ... (we stopped striving?) I've been thinking about Wu Wei (inactiion). My word for 2010 is Unity. I picked it at midnight, New Years Eve and like yours it simply descended on me.


Katie, thank you so much for sharing your personal journal pages with us...I love them...they are so rich and full of textures and meaning. You have really inspired me to pick up my journal, and get some images, words and paint together, and get my thoughts out on paper. Thank you so much!

Cindy Eagan

Beautiful, thoughtful - thank you!
Happiness in 2010.

Maija Lepore

Happy New Year Katie! I hope our paths will cross again in 2010!


I love it when a word chooses you vs. having to seek out and try them on like clothes on a rack. Flow is perfect as it is not static and infinite. Your journal work is breathtaking as always. It makes me just want to dive in and paint! Thank you for the holiday wishes, my friend. xoxoxoxo


Your pages are amazing and they flow flow flow.

The universe is so good to us when we listen.

I found your blog through Judy Wise and I am so glad I did.


These pagaes are luscious--and so inspiring! Thank you for sharing, Katie. What kind of white-ink pen do you use?


Love your ruminations.If you have a moment check out:
it is about resolutions.

Joan T

Judy Coates Perez

beautiful, flow is a perfect mantra to start a new decade.


this pieces of you are hauntingly beautiful, they make me miss you even more... xo

Judy Merrill-Smith

Flow is an amazing, gracious, and graceful word. Perfect! Thanks for sharing your wonderful pages with us.


Hi Katie just to let you know I am inspired by you. Flow suits you:-) Happy Flow day.

You gave me the courage to use my face in my January Journalling because I am turning 53 soon. I like the way you use your face in your art.

I hope you will come and visit my art for January Journalling week one. You can click on my name.

Julia Dean

Happy New Year to you!....
I love what you are saying, and going with the flow is something I try to do, but rarely succeed...I love your "What if?"journaling, is it alright if I use the "what if?"...question for a journal I would like to do about my hopes for this next big step in my life?...xxx...Julia


but of course julia, the "what if" belongs to every heart.


in answer to your question about the white pen, ramona, it's a uniball signo UM-153. www.jetpens.com sells them and i'm sure you can find other sources if you do a google search.


Your journal pages are so rich with color, texture, and depth - it must be amazing to see them up close. Such a wonderful word you chose, flow, and lovely thought, too "What if..." Just breathe the experience and let it take you, serenely...


I love these pages...beautiful.....and I love the message....I am pondering about it..."what if....I decided to give up striving...." thank you for sharing these...


I have seen others write about the one word 'resolution' also... I'm thinking the word change may well be my word in 2010. It is time.
Beautiful journal pages by the way. It's the first time I have visited - but I will be adding you to my blog roll and will return.
Happy 2010.


Awesome journal pages!!! I love them! :)


images and words
like the surface
of a pond reflecting
a soul imposed
on the sky. (lm)

Giving up on seeking, several years ago I decided to work on experiencing "found." It produces the most wonderful shivers.


these are beautiful, katie!

asthma fabrics

Your art is so beautiful. I’m enthralled with it, very artistic.

work from home

Nice pieces of art. I love it. the journal looks fantastic.


i gave you a kreative blogger award on my blog. you can pass it on to 7 others if you would like to. you just copy the award and then choose seven other people and write several unknown facts about yourself. for all that you share, thank you. warmly, s


thank you for sharing these lovely pages with us Katie.....love the word that chose you - FLOW.....how perfect. You are such an inspiration!

Love, Violette

sue pieper

Under the circumstances, it's perfect-not only for me, but for many. As I checked out of the hospital on New YEARS Eve, I knew there wouldn't be an resolution of sorts, but the phrase "I,m going to LIVE, really LIVE, from here on out, just kept resonating. ! week earlier I was more dead than alive, so YES, it's time we all live in whatever manner suits us best. And thanks for keeping in touch during that tough time, it meant a lot to both me and my family! HOPE YOUR NEW YEAR IS GREAT!


Very awesome pages!! :)

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