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Judy Wise

Beautiful post, katie, it was a sweet dream come true. Can't wait for Chaper 2. xo

Lisa JonesMoore

Beautiful pictures and stories! I have the privilege of traveling to San Miguel with Rebecca in December! Can't wait to practice Spanish with the locals, shoot MUCHO photographs and absorb the culture!

Kim Mailhot

So wonderful. I am still dreaming of my turn there...
Enjoy the glow which I am sure is still lingering.

karen cole

My favorite photo is the one of everyone lined up on the wall sitting and sketching. Still feeling the magic.


Beautiful photos - they reflect the wonderful cohesive feeling we had there. Truly a magical experience! So glad I was there.


dear katie,
i am still slowly savoring each memory of our dream shared. thank you for following your heart and giving so courageously, authentically, and generously the gift and beauty of YOU. i have carried so much love for you and judy since our very first meeting all those years ago when we were all teaching at art unraveled.
it truly was a dream come true to finally share san miguel with the two of you and all those glorious students. xo

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