The weather dropped into a single digit temperature this weekend, rare for us here in the PNW, brrrrr. We've got the wood stoves going non-stop to keep the house warm.
We unexpectedly lost this lovely tree this fall, walking into the woods one day we found it lying on it's side, huge rootball facing the sky. This was a special tree to me (see the white shell peeking up from beneath it?). I had built an altar under her boughs and we had celebrated next to her under full moons, solstices, and equinoxes. Today, she is burning in our woodstove, keeping us warm. Feeling grateful for the memories I have of this beautiful tree and all she has given us, beauty, companionship, warmth. As I think of her, my heart feels grateful for all the wonders I'm aware of in this day.
I've dropped out of the holiday crush and spend most of my days painting in the studio. Since our Pilgrimage in Paint workshop this fall in San Miguel de Allende, I've been reunited with an old love - painting on plaster. I'm loving the softness of the surface, the porous texture, and particularly the way hard pastels respond to the surface.
Photo courtesy of Paula Fava
And incase you hadn't yet heard, Judy Wise and I already have another painting session in the works for 2014 - this time in beautiful Oaxaca, Mexico. There will once again be painting on plaster, among other media, as it was such a hit! Kathie Vezzani of Bellissima is organizer extraordinare for the event. The spots have been filling up fast, if you're interested in joining our merry band of artists there, check out all the details here.
Love your Lady of the Lake (river, ocean?) and her sturdy boat. I'm extra warm in my heart this winter thanks to the memories we made together in 2013. Life is so precious, I am grateful for every moment. Looking forward to Oaxaca with you and the participants.
Posted by: Judy Wise | December 10, 2013 at 12:40 PM